Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Management Theory by Henri Fayol
Management Theory by Henri Fayol Th? k?? to the ?u????? ?f ?n? ?nd??v?ur li?? primarily on how it i? managed.It ??uld be ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n, gr?u? ?f people ?r ?v?n ju?t a v???ti?n ??u w?nt t? t?k?.Proper m?n?g?m?nt i? wh?t m?k?? it run smoothly.With?ut m?n?g?m?nt, thing? will n?t g? w?ll.Y?ur vacation f?r ?x?m?l? might come t? a h?lt before it even b?gin? if you forgot t? book your flight to th?t h?lid?? d??tin?ti?n.Proper m?n?g?m?nt ?f ?n organization, ?????i?ll? th??? ?n?? w? set up f?r ?r?fit; i? m?r? important th?n the ?rg?niz?ti?n itself.Because ?f it? importance, ??i?nti?t? ?v?r the ???r? h?v? developed diff?r?nt m?n?g?m?nt theories.S?m? of th?m ?r? ju?t theories, whil? ??m? ?th?r? have b??n tested ?nd proved t? w?rk. On? ?f the ?ld??t ?f th??? th??ri?? is th?t of Henri F???l.A? one of the ?ld??t ?nd m??t ???ul?r approaches t? management taught, H?nri F???lâ? (29 Jul? 1841â"19 N?v?mb?r 1925) th??r? holds th?t ?dmini?tr?ti?n of all ?rg?niz?ti?n?â"wh?th?r âpublic ?r ?riv?t?â, ?r âl?rg? ?r smallâ r?quir ?? th? ??m? rational process or fun?ti?n?.Thi? ??h??l is b???d ?n th? assumptions that, although the objective ?f an ?rg?niz?ti?n may differ; f?r ?x?m?l?, business, government, education, ?r r?ligi?n, yet th?r? i? a core m?n?g?m?nt ?r????? th?t remains th? ??m? for ?ll in?tituti?n?.Successful m?n?g?r?, therefore, ?r? int?r?h?ng??bl? ?m?ng ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?f differing purposes. Also, h? ?rgu?d th?t admini?tr?tiv? m?n?g?m?nt ?r??????? ??n b? reduced t? a ??t ?f ????r?t? fun?ti?n? ?nd related ?rin?i?l??.It h?? rightl? b??n said b? some scholars th?t â??rh??? the real father ?f m?d?rn m?n?g?m?nt th??r? i? th? Fr?n?h indu?tri?li?t H?nri F???l.âIn 1916 h? published âAdmini?tr?ti?n Indu?tri?ll? et Generale.â It w?? translated ?nd r??ubli?h?d in English in 1929. In 1949 hi? b??k w?? published in USA ?nd from then hi? ideas became famous. In th? w?rld, his b??k l?ft a ??rm?n?nt m?rk ?n m?n?g?m?nt thinking.A successful industrialist, F???l h??d?d a steel ?nd ???l ??m??n? in Fr?n??. H? i ? now ??n?id?r?d th? f?th?r of th? Universal ?r????? ?r O??r?ti?n?l m?n?g?m?nt ?r Admini?tr?tiv? management th??r?, because he m?d? univ?r??l g?n?r?liz?ti?n? ?b?ut m?n?g?m?nt based ?n hi? k??n in?ight and ?r??ti??l m?n?g?m?nt ?x??ri?n??.A? opposed t? Taylor, F???ltri?d t? deal with âclassical ?dmini?tr?ti?n.â H? f??u??d hi? ?tt?nti?n ?n th? enterprise as a wh?l? r?th?r than ?n a single ??gm?nt of it.H? ?i?n??r?d th? ??n???t ?f vi?wing m?n?g?m?nt as being m?d? up of fun?ti?n?, ?nd hi? work supplied a ??m?r?h?n?iv? framework fr?m whi?h m?n?g?m?nt ??uld be studied and d?v?l???d.H? ?l?? repeatedly emphasized th?t hi? ?rin?i?l?? ???l? n?t only t? bu?in??? but ?l?? t? ??liti??l, religious, ?hil?nthr??i?, military ?nd ?th?r und?rt?king?.H?NRI F???Lâ? FUNCTIONS ?F M?N?G?M?NT M??t m?n?g?m?nt writers ?gr?? ?n the ?l???ifi??ti?n ?f Henri F???l r?g?rding managerial fun?ti?n?: ?l?nning, organizing, commanding (??tu?ting), coordinating and ??ntr?lling.Th?r? ?r? ?ix fun?ti?n? ?f m?n?g?m?nt ? ???rding to Henri f???l and th?? are:PlanningWh?n?v?r a numb?r ?f individu?l? ??m? together ?nd d??id? t? achieve a common goal, planning b???m?? essential.It inv?lv?? deciding, in ?dv?n??, wh?t t? do, h?w t? do, wh?n t? d?, wh? to d? ?nd wh?r? t? d? it.Pl?nning assists t? bridge the gap b?tw??n where we ?r? n?w ?nd wh?r? w? w?nt t? g?. Pl?nning i? deciding in th? ?r???nt ?b?ut th? futur?.In the opinion ?f Alf?rd and B??tt?, âPl?nning i? th? thinking ?r?????, th? ?rg?niz?d foresight, th? vi?i?n b???d ?n f??t? and ?x??ri?n?? that is r?quir?d f?r intelligent ??ti?n.â Th? ?ttribut?? of ?l?nning ?r?:It i? an int?ll??tu?l (m?nt?l thinking) process.It i? a ?r?-??ti?n stage function ?nd futurit? is th? root ?f planning.Pl?nning ?r???d?? ?ll ?th?r managerial fun?ti?n?. B?f?r? ?l?nning there i? n?thing t? ?rg?niz?, dir??t ?nd ??ntr?l.It i? n?t a ?tr?? functionâ"it is a continuous, fl?xibl? ?nd n?v?r-?nding ??tivit?.Pl?nning i? pervasive ?nd h?? a broad ??v?r?g?.It should ??v?r th? ?ntir ? ?nt?r?ri??, it? ??gm?nt? ?nd ?v?r? levels ?f management.Planning process im?li?? int?rw?v?n f?ll?wing steps-setting th? ?bj??tiv??, ??ll??ting and ?n?l??ing inf?rm?ti?n, d?t?rmin? alternative courses ?f action, w?ighing (evaluating) alternative ??ur???, ??l??ting th? b??t ??ur?? of ??ti?n, developing ?ub-?l?n?, implementing ?nd following u? th? ?l?n.S?m? of th? im??rt?nt b?n?fit? fr?m ?l?nning ?r?:T? f??? th? uncertainties ?f futur?,T? adapt and ?dju?t t? ?h?nging ?nvir?nm?nt,T? ?r?v?nt h??t? decisions,T? reduce th? overall ???t,To im?r?v? th? m?r?l? ?nd m?tiv?ti?n,To bring unit? in thr?ugh ??ti?n?, ?ndTo ?x?r?i?? ?ff??tiv? control.Planning i? indi???n??bl? ?nd th? basis f?r ?ll ?th?r m?n?g?ri?l fun?ti?n?.As Kn??tz ?nd OâDonnell h?v? rightl? pointed out, âwith?ut ?l?nning bu?in??? b???m?? r?nd?m in nature ?nd decisions become meaningless ad hoc choices.âWith?ut ?l?nning, ?n ?nt?r?ri?? would di?int?gr?t? quickly, its ??ti?n? w?uld b? ?? r?nd?m ?? l??v?? ???m??ring b?f?r? an ? utumn wind, and its ?m?l????? as confused ?? ants in ?n unturn?d ?nthill.In spite ?f it? basic n?????it?, ?l?nning h?? not been as widely adopted ?? it d???rv??.In f??t, it ?uff?r? from ??m? ?r??ti??l limit?ti?n?:Oft?n, managers ?r? r?lu?t?nt to plan because it i? seen ?? in im??rt?nt, tim? consuming, costly ?nd tedious m?nt?l ?r?????.It d?m?nd? serious thinking, tremendous ?m?unt ?f ????r-w?rk ?nd tim?.M??t managers d? n?t lik? to undergo ?u?h a hard ?nd ??inful m?nt?l w?rk whi?h may or may n?t produce r??ult?. M?n?g?r? tend to prefer t? b? doers, not think?r?.Pl?nning i? the thinking ?r????? ?nd managers b?ing m?n ?f action, ?h?uld h?v? no u?? f?r it.W?ll-d?t?rmin?d plans force the m?n?g?m?nt and ?m?l????? int? a straight jacket ?nd leave n? r??m f?r th?ir initi?tiv?.Th? rigid ?l?n? di???ur?g? individu?l initi?tiv? ?nd fr??d?m. It also promotes r?d-t???? ?nd unnecessary d?l?? in work ??rf?rm?n??.Pl?nning is ?n ?m?t? ???d?mi? ?x?r?i?? in a f??t ?h?nging ?nvir?nm?nt. It is diffi?ult f?r ?l?nn?r? t? f?r????t the government ??li?i??, hum?n behaviour, ??m??titi?n, ?trik??, look-outs, w?r?, ??rth?u?k??, ?t?. Future i? a moving target and ?xt?rn?l factors ?r? b???nd the ?l?nn?r?â ??ntr?l.If ??m? ?h?ng?? ???ur in the organization du? to planning, g?n?r?ll? it i? opposed b? employees.N?w policies ??m??l th?m t? ?h?ng? th?ir ?ld way ?f w?rking so they r??i?t the change ?nd planning.OrganizeOrg?nizing inv?lv?? developing an ?rg?niz?ti?n?l structure (hi?r?r?h?, divisions, departments, ?t?) ?nd ?ll???ting human and ?th?r resources t? ?n?ur? the ????m?li?hm?nt ?f the ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? ?bj??tiv?? ?nd im?l?m?nt?ti?n ?f it? strategic plan.Th? structure of th? ?rg?niz?ti?n i? th? fr?m?w?rk within which effort i? coordinated and i? shaped b? th? ?thi??l and ?ultur?l r?quir?m?nt? ?f th? g?v?rning body.It inv?lv?? the d??ign of individu?l jobs within th? organization ?nd ?triking a b?l?n?? b?tw??n the n??d for w?rk?r ?nd management ????i?li??ti?n ?nd the need f?r ????l? to h?v? j?b? th?t entail v?ri?t? and ?ut?n?m?.M?n? j?b? are now d??ign?d b???d ?n ?u?h principles ?? job ?nri?hm?nt ?nd t??mw?rk.The m?n?g?m?nt framework n??d? t? support the n??d? ?f th? governance fr?m?w?rk, and be ????unt?bl? to the g?v?rning b?d? for the ??ti?n? ?nd achievements ?f th? ?rg?ni??ti?n.StaffingIt i? the function of m?nning th? ?rg?niz?ti?n ?tru?tur? and keeping it m?nn?d.Staffing h?? ???um?d gr??t?r im??rt?n?? in th? r???nt ???r? du? to ?dv?n??m?nt ?f t??hn?l?g?, in?r???? in ?iz? of business, ??m?l?xit? ?f human b?h?vi?ur etc.The main ?ur???? of staffing i? t? put the right man on th? right job i.?. ?qu?r? ??g? in ?qu?r? holes and r?und ??g? in r?und h?l??.A???rding t? KootzOâDonell, âManagerial function of staffing inv?lv?? m?nning th? ?rg?niz?ti?n ?tru?tur? thr?ugh ?r???r ?nd ?ff??tiv? ??l??ti?n, ???r?i??l d?v?l??m?nt ?f ??r??nn?l t? fill the roles designed ?n th? structure.âSt?ffing inv?lv??:M?n??w?r Pl?nning (??tim?ting man power in terms ?f ???r?hing, ?h???? th ? person and giving the right ?l???).Recruitment, S?l??ti?n Pl???m?nt.Tr?ining D?v?l??m?nt.R?mun?r?ti?nP?rf?rm?n?? A??r?i??lPr?m?ti?n? TransferControllingC?ntr?l ?nd evaluation ?r? th? tw? n?d?? ?f th? ??m? ?r?????.C?ntr?lling ?n?ur?? that activities are ?r?du?ing th? d??ir?d results. It i? limited t? monitoring th? ?ut??m? of ??tiviti??, reviewing f??db??k inf?rm?ti?n ?b?ut th? outcome ?nd if n??????r?, t?king ??rr??tiv? action.âC?ntr?lling is th? checking of ?urr?nt ??rf?rm?n?? ?g?in?t ?r?-d?t?rmin?d standards ??nt?in?d in th? ?l?n?, with a vi?w to ?n?uring ?d?qu?t? progress ?nd ??ti?f??t?r? ??rf?rm?n?? and ?l?? recording th? experience g?in?d from th? working ?f these ?l?n? ?? a guid? to ????ibl? future ???r?ti?n?.âTh? ?h?r??t?ri?ti?? ?f controlling ??n b? derived as f?ll?wing ?n th? basis of it? meaning:It is an ?nd fun?ti?n,It is ??ntinu?u? and d?n?mi? activity,It i? m?inl? forward-looking,C?ntr?lling i? a pervasive fun?ti?n,It i? a n?rm?tiv? and ???itiv? force,It ?ll?w? th? ?rg?niz?ti?n to cope with un??rt?int?, andIt h?l?? guiding ?nd integrating employeeâs behaviour toward br??d?r ?rg?niz?ti?n?l g??l?.Th? ??ntr?lling process inv?lv?? f?ur ?t???: establishment ?f ?t?nd?rd?, measurement of ??tu?l performance, ??m??ri??n of performance with ?t?nd?rd, ?nd t?king corrective actions.C?ntr?lling i? th? ?ff??tiv? counterpart ?f ?l?nning.Alth?ugh planning ?????r? gl?m?r?u? ?nd ??ntr?lling appears annoying but ?l?nning i? a futil? exercise with?ut controlling.C?ntr?lling inv?lv?? keeping the ?rg?niz?ti?n?l activities ?n right tr??k and ?lign?d with ?l?n?.With?ut ?n ?d?qu?t? set ?f ??ntr?l?, th? best laid ?l?n? ?f m?n?g?r? will r?m?in im?gin?ti?n ?nd a whit? ?l??h?nt.Pl?nning without control is m??ningl??? ?nd control without planning is a w??t?d ?ff?rt.DirectingCoordinating i? the essence ?f management f?r th? achievement ?f h?rm?n? ?f individu?l ?ff?rt? t?w?rd? the ????m?li?hm?nt ?f gr?u? goals.To ?u?t? D?lt?n E. M?F?rl?nd, âCoordination i? th? ?r??? ?? wh?r?b? ?nd ?x??utiv? d?v?l??? ?n orderly ??tt?rn of gr?u? ?ff?rt among hi? subordinates ?nd secure unit?, ?f ??ti?n in th? pursuit ?f ??mm?n ?ur????.âAft?r plans have been made, the ?tru?tur? ?f th? organization h?? b??n d?t?rmin?d, ?nd th? ?t?ff h?? been recruited ?nd tr?in?d, the n?xt ?t?? i? t? ?rr?ng? f?r m?v?m?nt towards the ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? d?fin?d objectives.This fun?ti?n ??n be ??ll?d b? v?ri?u? n?m??: l??ding, dir??ting, m?tiv?ting, actuating and ?th?r?.But wh?t?v?r th? n?m? u??d to id?ntif? it, thi? fun?ti?n inv?lv?? g?tting th? m?mb?r? ?f th? ?rg?niz?ti?n t? ??rf?rm in ways that will h?l? it to ??hi?v? it? established ?bj??tiv??.According to Dimock, âTh? h??rt ?f ?dmini?tr?ti?n i? th? dir??ting function which involves determining th? ?????, giving ?rd?r? ?nd in?tru?ti?n? ?nd ?r?viding the d?n?mi? l??d?r?hi?.âTh? m?n?g?r ???rdin?t?? int?rn?ll? ?nd externally.In int?rn?l coordination th? ?th?r managerial fun?ti?n? such as ?l?nning, ?rg?nizing, actuating ?nd ??ntr? lling are ???rdin?t?d within th? ??n?tituti?n. In ?xt?rn?l coordination th? manager coordinates with outsiders as, government, ?ubli?, tr?d? uni?n?, other enterprises, ??liti?i?n? ?t?.In a bu?in??? ??n??rn, with a large numb?r ?f ??r??n? w?rking at diff?r?nt levels and ??rf?rming div?r?? ??tiviti??, it became ????nti?l t? synchronies th? w?rk ?t ???h level, ?nd in th? ?rg?niz?ti?n ?? a wh?l?.The m?in aspects of ??tu?ting ?r?: l??ding, ?u??rvi?i?n, m?tiv?ti?n ?nd communication. L??ding m??n? t? l??d ?nd h?ld ??mm?nd th? followers (?ub?rdin?t??).Su??rvi?i?n r?f?r? t? th? dir??t and immediate overseeing employees ?t w?rk.M?tiv?ti?n is th? w?rk of a manager t? inspire, encourage ?nd im??l people to w?rk willingly f?r ??hi?ving th? d??ir?d g??l.INTR?DU?TI?N TO THE 14 ?RIN?I?L?? ?F M?N?G?M?NT In th? l??t ??ntur?, ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?lr??d? h?d to d??l with management in ?r??ti??.In th? early 1900?, l?rg? ?rg?niz?ti?n?, such ?? production factories, had t? be m?n?g?d t??.At th? tim? th?r? were only few (external) m?n?g?m?nt tools, m?d?l? and m?th?d? ?v?il?bl?.Th?nk? t? ??i?nti?t? lik? H?nri F???l (1841-1925) th? fir?t f?und?ti?n? w?r? l?id f?r m?d?rn ??i?ntifi? m?n?g?m?nt.These first ??n???t?, ?l?? called ?rin?i?l?? ?f management ?r? th? underlying f??t?r? for successful management.Henri F???l explored thi? comprehensively ?nd, ?? a r??ult, he ??nth??iz?d the 14 principles ?f m?n?g?m?nt.H?nri F???l âs principles ?f management and r????r?h were ?ubli?h?d in the b??k âG?n?r?l ?nd Indu?tri?l Managementâ (1916).The 14 Principles of Management by Henri FayolThe 14 ?rin?i?l?? ?f M?n?g?m?nt ?r? statements th?t ?r? based ?n a fund?m?nt?l truth.These ?rin?i?l?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt ??rv? ?? a guideline f?r decision-making and management ??ti?n?.Th?? are drawn u? by m??n? ?f ?b??rv?ti?n? ?nd ?n?l???? ?f ?v?nt? that managers ?n??unt?r in ?r??ti??.Henri F???l w?? able t? ??nth??iz? 14 ?rin?i?l?? ?f management after ???r? ?f study, n?m?l?:Principle 1. Division of WorkA??li??bl? for fir m? which h?v? m?n? employees as well ?? few employees, th? principle of division ?f work says, th?t the w?rk should b? divided b?tw??n ?ll ????l? who ?r? capable ?f d?ing it ?nd should n?t b? ?v?rl??d?d t? a ??n??ntr?t?d f?w.It should n?t b? dilut?d b? giving th? same w?rk to many ????l?.This ensures ?r???r utilization ?f l?b?r ?nd k???? them f??u??d ?nd ?r?du?tiv?.In th? l?ng t?rm, thi? ??m? t?rg?t?d division ?f work h?l?? the l?b?r in ????i?lizing in the work th?? ?r? doing, th?r?b? ?n?uring th?r? ?r? far fewer mi?t?k??.In a factory, the ?r?bl?m solver i? always someone who h?? w?rk?d ?n th? machinery f?r ???r? ?n end.Here i? how ??u ??n ???l? thi? ?rin?i?l? ?f management in ??ur caseAre ??u dividing th? w?rk ?qu?ll? b?tw??n employees ?f ??ur ?rg?niz?ti?n?Ar? people specializing in the work th?? ?r? d?ing?D? ??u need to restructure th? divi?i?n of l?b?r in ??ur organization?Above are some questions which ??n guid? you in improving your ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? management ?nd l?b?r divi?i? n.Principle 2. AuthorityTh? power ?nd responsibility t? giv? orders should r??id? with only a f?w people and ?h?uld n?t be diluted.One of the ??mm?n errors ?f l?rg? companies is th?t th? m?n?g?m?nt ??m?ri??? ?f too m?n? ????l?, th?r?b? ?r??ting ??nfli?t?.Wh?n a f?w h?nd ??l??t?d people h?v? th? ??w?r to v?t?, th?n thi? authority is ??rri?d down th? ?h?in ?nd the process g?t? im?l?m?nt?d.With ?u?h ?uth?rit? ??m?? r????n?ibilit?.Imagine if you were th? m?rk?ting head ?f a company, ?nd you took a ??ll with r?g?rd? t? marketing a ??rti?ul?r ?r?du?t, in th? ?nd if th? ?r?du?t f?il?, you h?v? to take ?wn?r?hi? ?f th? failure.Y?u ??nn?t pass th? bu?k.Thus, when th? ??r??n t?k?? r????n?ibilit?, h? also takes wi?? d??i?i?n?.H?n??, ?uth?rit? ?nd responsibility g? hand in h?nd ?nd form an im??rt?nt ??rt ?f Henri f???lâ? 14 ?rin?i?l?? ?f management.Principle 3. DisciplineA???rding t? H?nr? F???l di??i?lin? means ?in??rit? ?b?ut the w?rk ?nd enterprise, ??rr?ing ?ut ?rd?r? and instructions ?f superiors ?nd t? h?v? f?ith in th? ??li?i?? ?nd ?r?gr?mm?? ?f the business enterprise, in other sense, discipline in terms ?f obedience, application, energy and respect t? ?u??ri?r.H?w?v?r, F???l d??? n?t ?dv???t? warming, fines, ?u???n?i?n ?nd di?mi???l? ?f worker for maintaining di??i?lin?.Th??? ?uni?hm?nt? ?r? r?r?l? awarded.A w?ll-di??i?lin?d w?rking f?r?? i? ????nti?l for im?r?ving th? qu?lit? ?nd qu?ntit? ?f th? production.Principle 4. Unity of CommandThi? principle states th?t employees ?r? ?n?w?r?bl? t? ?nl? ?n? ??r??n.Em?l????? should have one and ?nl? one m?n?g?r.Th?r? ?h?uld be n? extra lin?? ?f ??mm?nd whi?h ??n confuse ?m?l?????, and ?l?w d?wn d??i?i?n? and production.Principle 5. Unity of DirectionThi? management principle of the 14 ?rin?i?l?? ?f management i? all ?b?ut f??u? ?nd unity.Unity ?f dir??ti?n means that ?ll ?m?l????? ??rf?rming similar ??tiviti?? should b? und?r th? ?u??rvi?i?n of th? ??m? m?n?g?r. It ?l?? m??n? that th? m?n?g?r ?h?uld b? ???r?ting from a s ingle ?l?n.Thi? ?n?ur?? t??m? ?r? well coordinated ?? everyone i? pulling in th? ??m? direction.A? ?n ?x?m?l?, in a m?d?rn organization, thi? m??n? that ?ll software development activities, ?u?h ?? coding the ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? w?b?it? ?nd updating int?rn?l ??m?ut?r system, ?h?uld ultimately b? und?r th? ??ntr?l ?f a single m?n?g?r.Principle 6. Subordination of Individual InterestAccording to this ?rin?i?l?, the individu?l and organizational int?r??t mu?t ??in?id? to g?t th? task ????m?li?h?d.Th? individual must n?t ?l??? hi? personal int?r??t ?v?r th? ??mm?n int?r??t, in ???? th?r? a ??nfli?t.Principle 7. RemunerationFair remuneration ?h?uld b? giv?n t? everyone.Thi? ?n?ur?? employee satisfaction.Remuneration in?lud?? both fin?n?i?l ?nd n?n-fin?n?i?l ??m??n??ti?n.There ?r? m?n? v?ri?bl?? whi?h should b? considered b?f?r? d??iding a w?rk?râ? rate ?f ???.Some ?f th? v?ri?bl?? ?r?:C??t ?f livingSu??l? ?f qu?lifi?d personnelG?n?r?l bu?in??? ??nditi?n?Su????? of the businessPrinciple 8. The Degree of CentralizationIt i? ?lw??? ?r???nt t? a gr??t?r ?r lesser ?xt?nt, d???nding ?n th? ?iz? ?f th? ??m??n? ?nd the quality ?f it? managers. In centralization, th? ?uth?rit? is ??n??ntr?t?d only in few h?nd?.H?w?v?r, in decentralization, th? authority i? di?tribut?d to ?ll th? l?v?l? of management. N? ?rg?niz?ti?n ??n b? ??m?l?t?l? ??ntr?liz?d or d???ntr?liz?d.If th?r? i? complete centralization, th?n th? subordinates will h?v? no authority (??w?r) to carry ?ut their r????n?ibilit? (duties).Simil?rl?, if th?r? i? ??m?l?t? d???ntr?liz?ti?n, th?n th? ?u??ri?r will h?v? no authority t? ??ntr?l the organization.Th?r?f?r?, th?r? should b? a balance b?tw??n ??ntr?liz?ti?n and d???ntr?liz?ti?n.Th? d?gr?? to which centralization ?r d???ntr?liz?ti?n ?h?uld b? ?d??t?d d???nd? ?n the ????ifi? organization, but m?n?g?r? should retain final responsibility but should give subordinate ?n?ugh authority t? d? th? tasks ?u?????full?.Principle 9. Scalar ChainM?n?g?r? in hi?r?r?hi?? are part of a ?h?in lik? authority ???l?.E??h m?n?g?r, from th? fir?t lin? supervisor to the ?r??id?nt, ??????? certain ?m?unt? ?f authority.Th? President ????????? th? m??t ?uth?rit?; th? first line ?u??rvi??r th? l???t.L?w?r l?v?l managers ?h?uld ?lw??? k??? u???r level m?n?g?r? informed ?f th?ir work ??tiviti??.The existence of a scalar ?h?in ?nd ?dh?r?n?? t? it ?r? n??????r? if th? ?rg?niz?ti?n i? to b? ?u?????ful.Principle 10. OrderBr??king thi? principle int? m?t?ri?l ?rd?r ?nd ???i?l ?rd?r, F???l think? of it ?? a simple edge f?r ?v?r?thing.Thi? organization is th? ?rin?i?l?, whi?h refers t? ?rr?ng?m?nt of thing? ?nd persons in ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n.Principle 11. EquityTh? m?n?g?m?nt principle ?f equity ???? that all the employees or w?rk?r? ?f th? ?rg?niz?ti?n must b? treated f?irl?, ?qu?ll? and im??rti?ll?.M?int?ining ?quit? in the ?rg?niz?ti?n? come fr?m th? ?rg?niz?ti?nâ? ?ultur?; adopting ?nd m?int?ining ?quit? m?ximiz?? employee l???lt? and tru?tw?rthin???.The combination ?f kindlin ess and justice i? v?r? im??rt?nt t? ??hi?v? equity and t? ?d??t in th? ?rg?niz?ti?n ?ultur?. If ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n f?ll?w? ?thi?? ?nd right ?rg?niz?ti?n ?ultur? th?n it is not n??????r? to put ?xtr? efforts to m?int?in ?quit? in the w?rk?l???.If ?ll th? employees n?t tr??t?d ?qu?ll? ?nd giving preference ?v?r few ?m?l????? ?r a particular gr?u? then it leads t? ??nfli?t? and r?v?luti?n?.Mi?und?r?t?nding and mi?int?r?r?t?ti?n? fr?m th? minds of ?m?l????? must b? ?l??r?d with ?r???r communication ?nd with regular int?r??ti?n?.If ??m?thing i? d?n? f?v?r?bl? t?w?rd? a ??rti?ul?r employee th?n th? managers mu?t give ?l?rit? t? th? ?th?r employees th?t wh?t situations m?d? them d? it; ?nd it mu?t be justified.Principle 12. StabilityPrin?i?l? of ?t?bilit? i? link?d with l?ng tenure of personnel in th? ?rg?ni??ti?n.Thi? means ?r?du?ti?n b?ing a team work, an ?ffi?i?nt m?n?g?m?nt ?lw??? build? a t??m ?f g??d w?rk?r?.If the members ?f th? t??m go on ?h?nging th? entire ?r????? of ?r?du?ti?n wil l b? di?turb?d. It is ?lw??? in the int?r??t ?f th? ?nt?r?ri?? that its tru?t?d, ?x??ri?n??d ?nd tr?in?d employees do not l??v? th? organization.Stability ?f j?b ?r??t?? a ??n?? of b?l?ngingn??? among w?rk?r? wh? with this f??ling ?r? ?n??ur?g?d t? improve th? ?u?lit? ?nd quantity of work.Principle 13. InitiativeEm?l????? should have th? n??????r? l?v?l of fr??d?m they need to m?k? ?nd conduct ?l?n?.M?n?g?m?nt should ?n??ur?g? w?rk?r initiative.New ?r ?xtr? work activity und?rt?k?n through self-direction is ?n ?x?m?l?.Principle 14. Spirit of Co-Operation (Spirit De Corps)In ?rd?r to achieve the best possible results, individu?l ?nd group efforts are to be ?ff??tiv?l? integrated ?nd ???rdin?t?d.Pr?du?ti?n is a team w?rk f?r whi?h th? wh?l?-h??rt?d ?u???rt ?nd ??-???r?ti?n ?f th? m?mb?r? at ?ll l?v?l? is r?quir?d.Everyone should ???rifi?? hi? personal int?r??t ?nd ??ntribut? his b??t ?n?rgi?? t? achieve the b??t r??ult?. It r?f?r? t? the ??irit ?f l???lt?, f?ithfuln??? ?n the part ?f the members ?f th? gr?u? whi?h ??n b? ??hi?v?d b? strong m?tiv?ting r???gniti?n ?nd importance ?f th? m?mb?r? f?r th?ir v?lu?bl? ??ntributi?n, ?ff??tiv? ???rdin?ti?n, inf?rm?l mutu?l social r?l?ti?n?hi? b?tw??n m?mb?r? of th? gr?u? and ???itiv? ?nd constructive ???r???h ?f the m?n?g?m?nt t?w?rd? w?rk?r?â w?lf?r?.CRITI?I?M OF THE HENRI FAYOL THEORY OF MANAGEMENTThe contribution of H?nr? F???l in th? fi?ld ?f m?n?g?m?nt th?ught i? very important.H? w?? th? fir?t person wh? ??int?d ?ut th? fun?ti?n? ?f m?n?g?m?nt ????r?t?l?.H?w?v?r, in spite ?f such importance, hi? th??r? of m?n?g?m?nt i? n?t b???nd ?riti?i?m.Th? management theory ?f Henri Fayol i? ?riti?i??d in the f?ll?wing ?????t?:Too Narrow MindedH? ?r????d?d t?? theorise functionalism on the basis ?f fun?ti?n? und?rt?k?n in a m?nuf??turing ??m??n?.It w?uld be unrealistic t? ?x???t th?t the insights ?nd d?riv?ti?n? from the mining ?rg?ni??ti?n would b? ?qu?ll? applicable to th? needs ?nd ?h?ll?ng?? of other ?rg?ni??ti?n?.VagueSom e ?f th? concepts h?v? n?t b??n ?r???rl? defined. F?r ?x?m?l?, th? ?rin?i?l? of divi?i?n ?f work does n?t t?ll h?w th? t??k ?h?uld b? divided.Ag?in, t? say that ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n n??d? coordination is m?r?l? t? ?t?t? th? ?bvi?u?. In th? words of Herbert Simon, administrative th??r? ?uff?r? from superficiality, oversimplification ?nd l??k of r??li?m.Negligence of Joint ManagementTh?r? is n? ?l??? f?r j?int m?n?g?m?nt in F???lâ? ??n???t ?f m?n?g?m?nt. Modern ?g? is the ?g? of joint management.At ?r???nt th? workers ?l?? participate in management thr?ugh th?ir trade uni?n leaders.Controversial Universality of ManagementF???l ??in?? that the ?l?m?nt?, ?rin?i?l?? and methods of m?n?g?m?nt indicated b? him ?r? ???li??bl? to ?ll t???? ?f ?nt?r?ri???â"tr?ding or n?n-tr?ding.But the ?rin?i?l? of universality ?f management is v?r? ??ntr?v?r?i?l.B???u?? th? principles ?f management d???nd ?n time, ?l???, and ?itu?ti?n ?f ???li??ti?n ?nd th??? ?r? ?h?ng?d ????rdingl?.Historical ValueF???l? the ory w?? r?l?v?nt wh?n organizations ???r?t?d in a ?t?bl? and ?r?di?t?bl? ?nvir?nm?nt. It ???m? l??? appropriate in th? turbulent environment ?f t?d??.For ?x?m?l?, ?r???nt-d?? managers ??nn?t d???nd ?ntir?l? ?n f?rm?l authority ?nd must u?? ??r?u??i?n to g?t th? w?rk done.Similarly, th? theory views ?rg?niz?ti?n? as ??w?r centres and d? n?t r???gni?? th? r?l? ?f a d?m??r?ti? form of organization.ADV?NT?G?? AND DISADVANTAGES ?F F???L? THEORIES ?ND ??NTRIBUTI?N?Advantages:F???l w?? th? fir?t ??r??n t? actually giv? a definition ?f management whi?h is g?n?r?ll? familiar t?d?? n?m?l? âf?r????t and plan, t? ?rg?niz?, to ??mm?nd, t? ??-?rdin?t? ?nd t? control.Fayol ?l?? gave much of th? b??i? t?rmin?l?g? ?nd concepts, whi?h w?uld b? elaborated u??n by future researchers, ?u?h ?? divi?i?n ?f l?b?ur, ???l?r ?h?in, unity ?f ??mm?nd ?nd centralization.Di??dv?nt?g??:F???l was d???ribing th? structure ?f f?rm?l organizations.Ab??n?? of attention to i??u?? such ?? individual v?r?u? g?n?r?l int? r??t, r?mun?r?ti?n ?nd equity ?ugg??t th?t F???l saw th? ?m?l???r ?? ??t?rn?li?ti? ?nd b? d?finiti?n w?rking in th? ?m?l????? interest.F???l d??? m?nti?n the issues r?l?ting t? th? sensitivity ?f a ??ti?ntâ? n??d?, such as initi?tiv? and âesprit d? ??r??, h? ??w them as i??u?? in th? context of r?ti?n?l organizational ?tru?tur? and not in terms ?f ?d??ting ?tru?tur?? and changing peoples b?h?vi?ur t? ??hi?v? th? b??t fit between th? ?rg?ni??ti?n ?nd its ?u?t?m?r?.Many ?f these ?rin?i?l?? h?v? b??n ?b??rb?d int? m?d?rn d?? ?rg?ni??ti?n?, but th?? w?r? n?t d??ign?d t? cope with ??nditi?n? of rapid change ?nd issues ?f employee ??rti?i??ti?n in th? d??i?i?n-m?king ?r????? ?f ?rg?ni??ti?n?, such as are current t?d?? in th? early 21st ??ntur?.ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY IN TH? M?D?RN WORKPLACEF???l b?li?v?d that managerial practices w?r? k?? t? the ?r?di?t?bilit? and efficiency in organizations.The Admini?tr?tiv? theory vi?w? ??mmuni??ti?n as a n??????r? ingr?di?nt to successful management and many ?f F???l? ?r??ti??? ?r? ?till ?liv? in t?d??? w?rk?l???.The elements and ?rin?i?l?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt ??n b? f?und in m?d?rn organizations in several w???: as ?????t?d practices in some indu?tri??, ?? r?v?m??d v?r?i?n? ?f th? original ?rin?i?l?? ?r ?l?m?nt?, ?r as remnants ?f the ?rg?niz?ti?n? history t? which ?lt?rn?tiv? practices ?nd ?hil????hi?? are b?ing ?ff?r?d.The U.S. milit?r? i? a ?rim? ?x?m?l? ?f an ?rg?niz?ti?n th?t h?? ??ntinu?d to u?? these ?rin?i?l??.C?M??TIBILIT? ?F F???L? PRIN?I?L?? OF M?N?G?M?NT IN TODAYS WORLDFayolâs principles are easily adaptable in todayâs world with some changes: Ad??ting F???l? ?rin?i?l?? t? th? 21?t ??ntur? workplace i? ?n easy ???li??ti?n. While technology ?nd gl?b?liz?ti?n h?v? accelerated the r?t? ?f ?h?ng?, ?r??ting m?r? un??rt?inti?? and less stability, th? entrenched v?lu?? behind F???l? ?rin?i?l?? remain a ?t?bilizing f?r?? in the m?d?rn w?rk?l???. Fayol d???rib?? a hi?r?r?hi??l ?tru?tur?, whi?h i? t??i??l of a m?nuf??turing o rganization. While th? hi?r?r?h? i? much fl?tt?r today th?n wh?t F???l ??w, how ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n i? ?tru?tur?d remains a key element. In f??t, F???l? ?r?mi?? th?t ?m?l????? should be w?ll-inf?rm?d ?nd ?? ?l??? as ????ibl? t? the decision-makers is ?? true today as it was th?n.Many of Fayolâs principles havenât coped well in todayâs world: Many ?f these principles h?v? been ?b??rb?d into m?d?rn day ?rg?ni??ti?n?, but th?? were n?t d??ign?d to ???? with ??nditi?n? of rapid ?h?ng? ?nd i??u?? ?f ?m?l???? ??rti?i??ti?n in th? decision m?king process ?f ?rg?ni??ti?n?, such as ?r? current t?d?? in the early 21?t ??ntur?.Specialization has evolved in todayâs world: T?d??, ?m?l????? ?r? much oriented towards challenging ?nd interesting j?b?. Th?ugh th? division ?f work h?l? ?m?l????? t? ????i?liz? ????ifi? ?kill?, they seek m?r? ?h?ll?nging ????rtunit? once th?? expertize ?n th?ir ?kill?. Al??, ??m??ni?? h?v? downsized their ?t?ff with ????l? wh? are multit??king ?nd h?v? th? quest to explore b???nd th?ir ?r?? ?f expertise. Thi? h?? helped ?rg?niz?ti?n? t? ?t?? ??m??titiv? with best ?f th? ?m?l????? in the field.Authority has become a bit flexible: Th?ugh M?n?g?r? ?r? ?uth?riz?d and majorly r????n?ibl? f?r a ?r?j??t commencement and its ??m?l?ti?n, companies rely h??vil? ?n employee ??rti?i??ti?n ?nd ?m??w?rm?nt f?r th? best outcome.Fayolâs points have been stretched in modern times: A? th? Am?ri??n economy h?? ?hift?d from a manufacturing b??? to a ??rvi?? ?nd kn?wl?dg? base, ??m? of Fayols ??int? have b??n ?tr?t?h?d. S???i?liz?ti?n ?f labor (P?int 1) i? a ??rn?r?t?n? ?f ???n?mi? theory. M?n?g?r? who h?v? ?uth?rit? (Point 2), h?w?v?r, now ?m??w?r their ?m?l????? with m?r? diverse r????n?ibiliti??. Discipline (P?int 3) is ?till maintained, but it is m?r? inf?rm?l in m?n? w?rk ?nvir?nm?nt?. While F???l m?int?in?d that ?n ?m?l???? should r???rt t? ?nl? one supervisor (Point 4), many ?m?l????? t?d?? have multi?l? ?u??rvi??r?, a circumstance that m?? n?t w?rk in ? ll in?t?n???. W?rking for a ??mm?n cause (Point 5) and subordinating oneself to th? g?n?r?l interest (P?int 6) ?r? ?bj??tiv?? th?t ?r? un?h?ng?d fr?m 100 years ago.Cooperate culture has diluted hierarchy: Hierarchical decision making is v?ni?hing in ?r???nt indu?tri??. It h?? b??n ?b??rv?d th?t maximum ?r??tivit? ??n b? ?bt?in?d with r?du?ti?n of hi?r?r?hi??l elements ?nd ?d??ting ?????r?t? ?ultur?. Industries n?w f??u? on l??? hierarchical, less f?rm?liz?d and flatter d??i?i?n m?king organization ?tru?tur?.Managers have evolved: Th? American w?rk?l??? has ?v?lv?d ?in?? F???l ?ubli?h?d hi? 14 ??int?. Id??? th?t caused m?n?g?r? to ??u?? th?n ?r? accepted with?ut a ????nd thought t?d??. K???ing w?rk?r? informed wh?r? th?? stand in ?n organization, m?int?ining a clean w?rk?l???, fair m?n?g?m?nt, minimizing employee turnover, giving employees th? fr??d?m to do th?ir j?b? ?nd f??t?ring good employee m?r?l? are all g??l? th?t ?m?l????? ?x???t and ?n? m?n?g?r w?uld ???ir? t? r???h. F?ir ?? ?, remains a m?tiv?ting f?r?? in any w?rk?l???.Employees are no longer just cogs in the machine: Commitment ?f an ?m?l???? i? ??hi?v?d if th? ?rg?niz?ti?n ?tr?ngl? ??n?id?r? the int?r??t of th? ?m?l????. In ???t employees strived for equity, today ?rg?niz?ti?n? provide sense of ?wn?r?hi? t? their ??mmitt?d employees.St?bilit? ?f personnel tenure d???nt h?ld mu?h ?ignifi??n?? in present ?rg?niz?ti?n: D?wn?izing strategies h?? flattened m?n? middl? m?n?g?m?nt ???iti?n? ?nd ?nri?h?d l?w?r-l?v?l employees job. Thi? h?? h?l??d in cost ?utting ?nd maintaining ??mmitt?d group of employees. Th? Gl?b?l r?????i?n whi?h struck 2008-2012, ILO [Int?rn?ti?n?l L?b?ur Organization] predicted th?t at l???t 20 million j?b? w?r? l??t b? the ?nd ?f 2009- m?inl? in ??n?tru?ti?n, r??l ??t?t?, financial services, ?nd th? ?ut?. This hug? figur? ??t? an example ?f th? in?t?bilit? of ??r??nn?l t?nur? t?d?? and th?t it depends ?n m?n? f??t?r? of whi?h gl?b?l ???n?mi? influ?n?? ?n the organization i? ?n? ?u?h r????n.M?int?ining E??rit de corps is n?t ?r??ti??l in t?d??? world: Org?niz?ti?n? th??? days hir? m?r? ?nd m?r? of t?m??r?r? and ?r?j??t ??ntr??tu?l basis. M?r??v?r, downsizing strategies and ?r?????t? ?f ?t?ff cuts h?? tended to lower th? employee m?r?l?.Fayolâs terminologies are still strongly used today: Fayol w?? th? fir?t to d?fin? management whi?h is g?n?r?ll? f?mili?r t?d?? ?? f?r????t and plan, t? ?rg?ni??, t? ??mm?nd, t? ??-?rdin?t? and t? control. Fayol also g?v? much ?f th? basic terminology ?nd ??n???t?, whi?h would be ?l?b?r?t?d u??n b? futur? r????r?h?r?, ?u?h as divi?i?n ?f l?b?ur, ???l?r ?h?in, unit? ?f ??mm?nd and ??ntr?liz?ti?n.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSH?nri F???l was ?n? of the fir?t ????l? to make sense of m?n?g?m?nt ?? a ??n???t, ?nd th?n developed a th??r? to im?r?v? m?n?g?m?nt ?r??ti???.He d?v?l???d ??m? ?rin?i?l?? ?nd g?v? us what w? know ?nd g?n?r?ll? accepts today ?? the fun?ti?n? of m?n?g?m?nt. S?m? ?f th? 14 ?rin?i?l?? of HentiFayol has b??n r?d?f in?d ?nd re-interpreted t? b???m? b?tt?r ?nd m?r? ?ff??tiv? t? ?rg?ni??ti?n? in their application.Y?t a f?w others h?v? r?m?in?d ?? Fayol postulated them and ?r? ?till wid?l? adopted in the m?n?g?m?nt ?f todayâs ?rg?ni??ti?n?.Generally, all organizations ?r? in ??m? w??? ?imil?r when it comes to the context of management as a ?r??ti??.Th? issue ?f ??t?g?riz?ti?n ?f ?rg?ni??ti?n?, whether ?r?fit ?r non-profit, int? m?nuf??turing, m?rk?ting, ??l??, ?r services ?? products, d??? n?t d?m??n th? n??d f?r m?n?g?m?nt in all t???? ?f ?rg?ni??ti?n.
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